The Magic of Your Comfort Zone

The Magic of Your Comfort Zone

The original meme (sans my edit) has been floating around the interwebs for a while now.   And it get it. I really do.    So many of us get stuck in the familiar. The devil you know and all that.   But there’s another kind of magic that nobody’s talking...

16 ways to say “no” this holiday season

The season of social demands is upon us – or it’s about to be anyway!   Invitations start coming at you from everywhere, and if you’re not careful, you’ll be signing up for burnout before you know it.   A huge part of my work is teaching women how to...
4 Steps for Dealing With Difficult Family Dynamics

4 Steps for Dealing With Difficult Family Dynamics

Fam dram.   That’s my affectionate shorthand for family drama.   Do you have it? Is it keeping you up at night? Busying your mind and making you feel like crap? In so many respects, we are an all-or-nothing culture. We’re either bingeing or starving...

The Holidays Part 2: Mindfulness

THE HOLIDAYS PART 2: MINDFULNESS {Special Guest Brigid Dineen, Life Coach} from {plan A} holistic life™ on Vimeo. Part 2 is here and it’s all about Mindfulness! Mindfulness is a powerful, transformative practice that leads to greater awareness. I recently sat...

The Holidays Part 1: Intention

THE HOLIDAYS PART 1: INTENTION {Special Guest Brigid Dineen, Life Coach} from {plan A} holistic life™ on Vimeo. I’m so pleased to present this video interview! Alicia Mathlin of {plan A} holistic life recently interviewed me about navigating the holidays with...