Got Foggy Boundaries? Here Are 6 Signs

Got Foggy Boundaries? Here Are 6 Signs

Toronto, where I live, has been experiencing heavy fog for a couple of days. We live on the 20th floor of our building, so whenever it’s foggy we can’t even see across the street. My partner & I joke that it looks like a zombie apocalypse out there....

5 Lessons From My First Sprint Canoe Regatta

{How I’m Cultivating a Growth Mindset Right Now} Watching the Tokyo Summer Olympics, I came across an event that simply amazed me: the sprint canoe race. I’m not sure if you’ve ever watched the sport, but let me tell you, it’s impressive.  In a boat of one,...
How to Live on Your Own Terms

How to Live on Your Own Terms

A while back, I posted a question on Facebook. I asked, “What gets in the way of living life on your terms?” The answers came flooding in. Some people said their work schedule. Some said money. Others said being a parent. I’m sure if I posted it today, many...
Does everything feel like a mess RN?

Does everything feel like a mess RN?

“To find and live your unfolding heart’s desire, your deepest truth, requires burning. It requires falling in love with your own mess.” – Jennifer Louden   Falling in love with your own mess. When I read that, I felt it deeply. A wave of relief washed over...