How to Live on Your Own Terms

How to Live on Your Own Terms

A while back, I posted a question on Facebook. I asked, “What gets in the way of living life on your terms?” The answers came flooding in. Some people said their work schedule. Some said money. Others said being a parent. I’m sure if I posted it today, many...
Ungrounded {a poem}

Ungrounded {a poem}

Writing is a HUGE part of my self-care. When I’m feeling stuck or off or overwhelmed, I can often write my way home. Here’s a poem I wrote recently about feeling UNGROUNDED. A feeling that I imagine many people are experiencing these days, without the same...
Tired of Rebelling Against Your Routine?

Tired of Rebelling Against Your Routine?

As a Type-A-ish, recovering perfectionist, Virgo, former over-achiever, you’ d think that I’d be a sucker for a good routine. I mean, my name even has the word “rigid” in it. I’ve spent most of my life being pretty tightly wound, needing to know the plan, and...