The Magic of Your Comfort Zone

The Magic of Your Comfort Zone

The original meme (sans my edit) has been floating around the interwebs for a while now.   And it get it. I really do.    So many of us get stuck in the familiar. The devil you know and all that.   But there’s another kind of magic that nobody’s talking...
Inspo from my bathroom

Inspo from my bathroom

Do you find yourself waiting? For an opportunity to relax? For things to calm down so that you can too? For the pandemic to be over so you can start to let go? For the world to stop being on fire so you can take a sec and regroup? For your to-do list to be done so you...
Does everything feel like a mess RN?

Does everything feel like a mess RN?

“To find and live your unfolding heart’s desire, your deepest truth, requires burning. It requires falling in love with your own mess.” – Jennifer Louden   Falling in love with your own mess. When I read that, I felt it deeply. A wave of relief washed over...
Tired of Rebelling Against Your Routine?

Tired of Rebelling Against Your Routine?

As a Type-A-ish, recovering perfectionist, Virgo, former over-achiever, you’ d think that I’d be a sucker for a good routine. I mean, my name even has the word “rigid” in it. I’ve spent most of my life being pretty tightly wound, needing to know the plan, and...
Flatten YOUR Curve

Flatten YOUR Curve

In the past 7 months…   How many graphs have you looked at that showed how we can flatten the curve? How many conversations have you had about ways in which we can honour the capacity of the system? How many adjustments have you made to your life this year to...