8 Ways Mindfulness Changed Me

If you google “benefits of mindfulness,” you’ll find some pretty cool stuff. Reduced rumination, stress reduction, improved memory & focus, less emotional reactivity, increase relationship satisfaction…all very cool things, right? But I think it’s important...
Deciding to Be Whole

Deciding to Be Whole

“it was when i stopped searching for home within others and lifted the foundations of home within myselfi found there were no roots more intimatethan those between a mind and bodythat have decided to be whole”-rupi kaur Oh, these words! This woman. This...
Ease Anxiety With These 4 Practices

Ease Anxiety With These 4 Practices

Want to know how to ease anxiety? Read on. Our minds are built to be busy. Really. Their job is to analyze and predict, keeping us safe from danger. Throughout human history, this has meant our very survival. But we reach a tipping point where it’s not helpful...
How Many Spoons Do You Have?

How Many Spoons Do You Have?

Adulting is hard. There are so many responsibilities. So much pressure. So little time. No less than one bajillion competing priorities. I can hear that little voice in your head telling you that you should get it all done…then you can start fresh. Then things...
The practice that saved me

The practice that saved me

Thirteen years ago, there was so much dissonance in my life. On paper, my life probably looked pretty good. I’m pretty sure I was the youngest person in management at a large telecommunications company. I had gathered the courage to leave a long term relationship that...
Let’s talk about boundaries.

Let’s talk about boundaries.

Let’s talk about boundaries.   Do you have them?   I used to not have them. Like, at all. I wanted to be everything to everyone. The first notable time I set a boundary in my adult life was with my ex-fiancé. Realizing that I had put all my dreams on hold to...