It’s Time to Insist on Our Well-Being

It’s Time to Insist on Our Well-Being

I feel the message above so strongly. When I was in university, I studied International Relations and thought I’d head into a career in human rights law. I am passionate about justice and equality and dismantling the systems that would keep certain people’s well-being...
When Feelings Feel Too Big

When Feelings Feel Too Big

It’s amazing how often we sit in judgment of ourselves. Just because I teach this stuff doesn’t mean I’m over it. In the past two weeks, I’ve gone through a clear call to get back to self-compassion. Here’s what happened. I had a mole that started to look a little...
Who the hell has time for self-care?

Who the hell has time for self-care?

The topic of self-care can stir us up. Is it self-indulgent? Self-centred? Selfish, even? Reserved for the extremely wealthy? Intended only for people who don’t have any responsibilities? Oh no, my love. It is none of those things. We are talking about taking...
Sisters are Doin’ It for Themselves

Sisters are Doin’ It for Themselves

Women inspire me. Every damn day. Putting other people first feels like a calling for many, but without a serious dose of self-care intentionally inserted along the way, it can be exhausting.  We give and give until there’s nothing left. Then we don’t feel so well. At...
Virginia Woolf Got Me Thinking

Virginia Woolf Got Me Thinking

“A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.” – Virginia Woolf I read these words many years ago and they struck a chord deep within me that resonates to this day. Her words apply in a much broader sense to all women who...
Self-Care is the New Feminism. Here’s Why.

Self-Care is the New Feminism. Here’s Why.

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” -Audre Lorde Feminism invites us to call our power back. This is as important on the personal level as it is as a society. In order to get anywhere, we need...