Seven Ways to Come Home to YourSELF

Seven Ways to Come Home to YourSELF

When I was a teenager, I had a Successories (remember those?) framed quote that I kept on my nightstand. It said: “Courage: Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” -Anonymous It always resonated with me so deeply....
Got Foggy Boundaries? Here Are 6 Signs

Got Foggy Boundaries? Here Are 6 Signs

Toronto, where I live, has been experiencing heavy fog for a couple of days. We live on the 20th floor of our building, so whenever it’s foggy we can’t even see across the street. My partner & I joke that it looks like a zombie apocalypse out there....
What’s Possible With Boundaries

What’s Possible With Boundaries

If you’re accustomed to putting yourself last, saying “yes” when you’d rather say “no,” and generally being a people pleaser, the very notion of setting better boundaries might induce panic.  I mean, it sounds like a recipe for conflict, doesn’t it? When you...
How to Live on Your Own Terms

How to Live on Your Own Terms

A while back, I posted a question on Facebook. I asked, “What gets in the way of living life on your terms?” The answers came flooding in. Some people said their work schedule. Some said money. Others said being a parent. I’m sure if I posted it today, many...
Ungrounded {a poem}

Ungrounded {a poem}

Writing is a HUGE part of my self-care. When I’m feeling stuck or off or overwhelmed, I can often write my way home. Here’s a poem I wrote recently about feeling UNGROUNDED. A feeling that I imagine many people are experiencing these days, without the same...