The Magic of Your Comfort Zone

The Magic of Your Comfort Zone

The original meme (sans my edit) has been floating around the interwebs for a while now.   And it get it. I really do.    So many of us get stuck in the familiar. The devil you know and all that.   But there’s another kind of magic that nobody’s talking...
Does everything feel like a mess RN?

Does everything feel like a mess RN?

“To find and live your unfolding heart’s desire, your deepest truth, requires burning. It requires falling in love with your own mess.” – Jennifer Louden   Falling in love with your own mess. When I read that, I felt it deeply. A wave of relief washed over...
Here’s what I do instead of beating myself up 💜

Here’s what I do instead of beating myself up 💜

I used to be SO HARD on myself. I would set the bar high, and then jump over it. Anything less than the best was unacceptable. The world reflected back to me that this was a good thing. I was ambitious. Driven. A high achiever. I was praised and rewarded for believing...
Self-Care Confetti for Stressful Times

Self-Care Confetti for Stressful Times

I conducted a poll on social media the other day, asking people what symptoms of stress they’re experiencing. The top 5 responses were: Trouble focusing/concentrating. Short temper. Increased reliance on unhealthy coping strategies. Trouble sleeping. No energy,...