Guts & Grace (The Podcast)

How to Create Space for YourSELF in a World That Would Rather You'd Stay Small
Guts & Grace – Episode 25: Control Freak with Cory Thomsen

Guts & Grace – Episode 25: Control Freak with Cory Thomsen

Are you a control freak? Cory Thomsen was, and it complicated her life until she had her big aha. In this conversation, we dive deep into the urge to control and how it affects our lives and our inner world, as well as how to overcome it. Cory Thomsen is a recovering...

Guts & Grace – Episode 16: Embracing Failure with Mandy Wintink

Guts & Grace – Episode 16: Embracing Failure with Mandy Wintink

Mandy Wintink is a revelation. She is brilliant, insightful, wise, deeply human, down to earth and willing to be vulnerable. She is an Educator, Author, Speaker, Life Coach, CEO, Social Entrepreneur, Provocateur, Mother, Woman, Athlete, Yogi, and Body Monologer. Above...